This product category is for use only by those who have previously contacted us about a special order of 12mm agate guides. If you need a specific quantity or color of agate guide not listed on this site, please check with us for availability.
We will no longer be shipping International orders via USPS First Class International, unless requested by the customer; however, if requested, we will not be responsible for lost or damaged orders sent .
All international shipments will now be done through UPS. ALSO FOR ALL INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: If the amount of shipping calculated by the website is incorrect, we will contact you for the balance (or refund); nonetheless, please be prepared for a higher shipping fee than what is given.
This product category is for use only by those who have previously contacted us about a special order of 12mm agate guides. If you need a specific quantity or color of agate guide not listed on this site, please check with us for availability.